Category: News

SMS Number – what is it? And how to use it?

Virtual SMS Number is the number of mobile or landline connection, not tied to a specific SIM card. They are usually used to perform some type of operation via SMS.

What is Virtual Phone Number

A virtual phone number is a secondary telephone number unassociated with a certain telephone unit, handset, or subscriber. It is not directly associated with a telephone line and is not

Virtual numbers of China are on sale

Since February 1st have updated the Asian counties list.  Now you can get China landline or mobile virtual number under the very reasonable price. Phone numbers of Beijing, Guangzhou and

Telephone numbers of Switzerland. Updated list

We are happy to make an announcement about Freeje Switzerland virtual numbers list. Since the December 1 st we have expanded the geography of our services with the new cities. City Setup

Japanese virtual numbers are on sale!

Japanese virtual numbers of Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and Yokohama are on sale at Freeje. The new market just in a few clicks away distance. Pricing: Toll-free numbers (+81120): Setup fee

Hot Deal: Kyiv multichannel virtual phone numbers!

Freeje expands the list of Ukrainian phone local codes. This Fall you can buy Kyiv multichannel virtual phone numbers! Check the deal Pricing: Setup fee – $50, Monthly fee –

Ukrainian mobile multi channel numbers are exclusively on sale!

Freeje offers multi channel virtual numbers of Kyivstar, Lifecell and Vodafone Ukraine. No limits for mobile channels. Lifecell, Vodafone Ukraine or Kyivstar number’s setup fee – $20.Each additional channel activation

Freeje has updated the list of German virtual numbers

New German virtual number are available. Numbers of the next cities are in the list: Berlin (+49 30), Hamburg (+49 40), Frankfurt (+49 69), Dusseldorf (+49 211), Dortmund (+49 231),

Freeje expands list of Chinese numbers

Good news for those who want to expand their business into growing Chinese market. We added four biggest Chinese cities to Freeje’s “virtual numbers” list. City Setup  Monthly fee Beijing (+86 10)

The virtual numbers of Philippines, India and UAE

We are glad to inform you about unique possibility to enable local phone numbers of eastern region. The numbers of India, Philippines and United Arab Emirates (Dubai) are available for

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