A classic example of a SaaS service is Google Docs. The project allows visitors to work in a familiar office application interface, having access to their files regardless of the device used.
Sites that work according to the SaaS model automate the delivery of the service – there is no i need for a staff member to get the result of the work. Such work automation allows reducing expenditures both on office space and on staff – the rapid development of the project does not require an increase in the number of staff servicing the project.
An online aggregator is a special case of a SaaS service. In this case, the word “service” means the delivery of search results filtered by certain criteria in a convenient format to the user. For example, an online booking service for cinemas allows selecting the desired cinema, finding the film of interest, and booking tickets.
Users support. The service is able to work in automatic mode only as long as the user can independently solve the problems arising during the operation.
The sale of a service subscription or paid placement in the aggregator. A number of projects are not able to generate the first or repeated sales without a salesperson involved. This situation is especially typical for startups.
User support was implemented with the help of the multichannel 800 hotline number and an interactive voice menu
The client’s developers placed the purchased hotline number on the site. When calling the number, the user is greeted by a robot and is offered to solve a number of typical problems within the voice menu or switch to a technical support operator.
Sales of paid placements were arranged using 9 virtual SIM cards, one for each country of operation. In addition, the client enabled the call recordings.
The client launched campaigns in social networks and contextual advertising with a dedicated number for each region. Thus, a cinema representative is able to call a cell number from the country in which the cinema is located, while the call is handled by a single call center. This approach significantly increased the number of calls from advertising, and the probability of a successful sale. The head of the department and the marketer control the execution of scripts and the quality of conversations with potential customers through the call recordings.
With the help of these strategic solutions, the company is currently able to provide customer support and process the sale of paid placements with only 10 people for remote work
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+1 650 2784478